Taylor Hooton Foundation (THF) supporters gathered at the ESRP offices located in The Star in Frisco to officially kickoff the 2020 All-Star Gala at the annual Reveal Party. 2019 All-Star Gala Host Chairs and longtime supporters, Sheryl & David Pidgeonintroduced the 2020 All-Star Gala Host Chairs, KariAnn and Dillon Gee. Dillon, who is a retired Major League Baseball player, was one of the charter members of the organization’s MLB Advisory Board as part of the ALL ME® League. The ALL ME® League was created to raise awareness and to stop the growing trend of young people using Appearance & Performance Enhancing Substances. Serving as positive role models for our youth, elite performers from across professional sports take a pledge to live and compete without the use of these harmful substances on and off the field.
While enjoying one of the best views in Frisco, live music entertainment by Mark Ripley, and bites compliments of Walk-Ons Sports Bistreaux and Glory House Catering, guests learned that the 6th Annual All-Star Gala will be a Masquerade Ball held on Saturday, March 28, 2020 at Exclusive Auto Service in Richardson. Former Dallas Cowboy and current THF board member, Howard Richardswill serve as the evening’s Emcee.
Funds raised at the 2020 All-Star Gala directly support THF’s mission of enlightening the world to the truths about Appearance and Performance Enhancing Substances through awareness and education programs delivered in middle schools, high schools, and colleges across the U.S., Canada, and Latin America. The Foundation was formed in memory of Taylor E. Hooton, a 17-year-old high school student from Plano, TX. Taylor took his own life on July 15, 2003, after using anabolic steroids. taylorhooton.org
Photo Credit:Nikki Glasgow