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St. Andrew United Methodist Church Announces Summer Fun 2021: Programs for Children and Youths

From vacation Bible school to an on-site mission trip and a multi-day sleepaway camp, summer programs offer fun and engaging activities for those in Pre-K to 12th Grade.

PLANO, TEXAS – May 21, 2021 – St. Andrew United Methodist Church invites children and youths to participate in its summer programming, including Vacation Bible School, June 22-25; an on-site mission trip, June 7-12; and the annual Camp Impact, a sleepaway camp, July 21-25.

“It’s been a long, tough year for everyone, and St. Andrew is looking forward to safely hosting children and youths for our summer fun 2021 programming,” said Rev. Kim Meyers, associate pastor, Family Ministries. “Additionally, if you are someone who would like to serve as a volunteer, we would love your help in our Vacation Bible School program, which will enable us to expand the number of participants. Please look at all that we are offering this summer and join us!”

“Treasured,” this year’s Vacation Bible School, June 22-25, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m., on the campus of St. Andrew UMC, is for children in Pre-K (entering kindergarten in fall 2022) through Grade 5 (completing Grade 4 in June 2021), and there is no cost. Kids will discover that they are God’s greatest treasure while participating in Bible-learning activities, singing songs, participating in teamwork-building games, enjoying treats and much more. Registration ends June 11. For those wanting to volunteer, contact Alicia Erickson at aerickson@standrewumc.org. Childcare is available for volunteers. To register to participate in VBS, visit https://www.standrewumc.org/News/vbs

“Serving Begins at Home,” this year’s mission trip, June 7-12, 9 a.m. to 8 p.m., on the campus of St. Andrew UMC, is for students entering Grade 6 to outgoing seniors. Cost is $150. Registration ends June 1. Projects include building a tiny home and shed for City House, a nonprofit which supports at-risk youth and young adults; hosting a day camp for elementary students served by The Storehouse of Collin County; working in The Storehouse’s Seven Loaves Food Pantry and Joseph’s Coat Clothing Closet; and touring the North Texas Food Bank. Service projects during the day will be followed by dinner and worship as well as small groups. Students will be dismissed at 8 p.m. to go home each night. Sign up at https://www.standrewumc.org/students-trips

“After a year of being isolated and distanced from each other, we are so excited to come back together and re-establish the community that this ministry is known for,” said Michael Agnew, student ministry director, St. Andrew.  “This year’s mission trip will provide a wide-range of fun and engaging opportunities for students right here at home.”

Camp ImpactJuly 21-25, at Collin County Adventure Camp located in Anna, is an experience unlike any other, including games, team competitions, worship, great messages, community, bonfire, paddle boarding, mud, fishing, and great food. A registration link for Camp Impact will be posted by the end of May at https://www.standrewumc.org/students-trips  The registration deadline will be July 11.

“Camp Impact is a great way to cap off the summer and get our students spiritually charged and ready to go back to school,” added Agnew.  “Our staff members believe that lessons learned about life in Jesus and Christian community at this camp can have an eternal impact on students’ lives.”

St. Andrew United Methodist Church began in 1986 in the spirit of its namesake, a disciple of Jesus. The life of the Apostle Andrew embodies the church’s mission, which is to invite the Christian-ish and the unchurched to become passionate servants of Christ. The congregation of St. Andrew follows Jesus, lives in relationship, serves others, and takes risks in faith. Worship includes four services each weekend on a 21.2-acre campus at the corner of Plano Parkway and Mira Vista in Plano, Texas, where more than 2,000 people gather each weekend. Recent renovation allows the Sanctuary to host worship in both Traditional style, with the classic pipe organ, and Contemporary style, with a new LED center screen and lighting technology. Small groups and Bible studies gather on campus and throughout the region every day of the week. Mission opportunities serve our local area, neighboring regions, and global communities. The church has been repeatedly selected as a “Best Place to Worship in Plano” by the readers of the Plano Star Courier. St. Andrew United Methodist Church is located at 5801 W. Plano Parkway, Plano, Texas 75093. Visit www.standrewumc.org; call 972-380-8001.

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