Good Deeds & Awards ArticlesThe Gift of Giving: Make Charity a Family Affairgoodlifefamilyadmin12/14/201712/14/2017 by goodlifefamilyadmin12/14/201712/14/201702235My father was a leader by example. He wasn’t always vocal about teaching us the value of service, but he showed it often in small
Articles Advice & FeaturesThe Art of Giving Backgoodlifefamilyadmin01/03/2017 by goodlifefamilyadmin01/03/201701847 by Colin Smith | Contributor My uncle grew up poor, but he was determined to go to college. He did, and although he
Articles Advice & FeaturesEveryone Wins When Charitable Giving is Done Rightgoodlifefamilyadmin01/03/2017 by goodlifefamilyadmin01/03/201701892“…family giving offers an opportunity to exercise human excellence.” – From The Cycle of the Gift, by Hughes, Massenzio, and Whitaker, 2013 by Kevin Margolis |