Advice & Features ArticlesLife Insurance While You’re Still Livinggoodlifefamilyadmin01/03/201701/03/2017 by goodlifefamilyadmin01/03/201701/03/201701739 Helping to Cover Your Long-Term Care by Alicia Wanek If you’ve ever looked into the cost of assisted-living or a long-term care facility, you
Advice & Features ArticlesLife Insurance: The Topic No One Wants to Talk Aboutgoodlifefamilyadmin08/11/2016 by goodlifefamilyadmin08/11/201601658 by Alicia Wanek Prince sang, “Life is a party, and parties weren’t meant to last,” especially when you don’t plan ahead with life insurance.
Advice & Features ArticlesWrapping Up the Future for Your Familygoodlifefamilyadmin11/01/2015 by goodlifefamilyadmin11/01/201501881 by Alicia Wanek | Staff Writer When it comes to holiday shopping, are you the one who has all the purchases made by Thanksgiving
Articles Banking & FinancialCan you put a price on peace of mind?goodlifefamilyadmin02/28/201503/25/2015 by goodlifefamilyadmin02/28/201503/25/201501800Can you put a price on peace of mind? In many ways, life insurance does just that. “What would happen if your income was gone